tolerance of dimension

英 [ˈtɒlərəns ɒv daɪˈmenʃn] 美 [ˈtɑːlərəns əv daɪˈmenʃn]

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  1. Tolerance is the amount of variation permitted in the part or the total variation allowed in a given dimension.
  2. Based on MDT, part-selection and tolerance count of assembled dimension is implemented in CAD system of modular fixture in the paper.
  3. At the same time, international standards of dimension tolerance and that of basic demands, dimension measuring basic demands and some problems are illustrated.
  4. This paper focus on the proper and complete dimensioning of the tolerance of procedure dimension.
  5. The Effect on Conjugation Tolerance from the Measurement Error of Real Dimension in Course of Deployment and Conjugation
  6. The conclusion is that the effect of tolerance of composing loop on the tolerance of close loop is less if the sensitivity of dimension yield is less and the robustness of dimension chain is better if the sensitivity of product yield is less by calculation.
  7. Study the technology about auto-generation of dimension chain, include the expression of tolerance which based on features in CAD, the theory and process of auto-generation of dimension chain.
  8. Interactive Tolerance of Dimension Auto-inquiry and Marking
  9. Determination on the tolerance of unit ring in assembly dimension chain
  10. After inquiring the value of the tolerance of dimension, shape and placement, then it can be marked automatically in AutoCAD.
  11. Using these rules, some comparison can be made between these calculating methods, the results show that the intermediate tolerance calculating method is the best to satisfy the demand of the dimension precision of plastic parts.
  12. The paper has managed the problems of error transfer and tolerance assign of ships 'dimension by the principle. We have built the database about ships' weight and centre of gravity by the probabilistic technique of the principle.
  13. In order that tolerance of component links can be enlarged and the tolerance of enclosed link can be assured in the dimension chain, the principle and method of abnormal calculation of technological dimension chain are discussed in this paper.
  14. During machine design, tolerance of unit ring in assembly dimension chain is usually determined by using either equal tolerance or equal accuracy method.
  15. The conception of the precision of the main parts for dry battery application and the working chart of the tolerance of the dimension and shape and the coarse degree of the surface were put forward.
  16. This paper analyzes factors influencing dimension tolerance of MIM products and the progresses in dimension control.
  17. This paper introduces the methods of automatic inquiry and mark for dimension tolerance used in mechanical CAD of AUTOCAD, and presents a practicable software for dimension tolerance mark developed according to the National Standard ( GB1800-1804-79)
  18. The selections of the inflated dimension and dimension tolerance of aviation tire, the dimension of growth tire, the minimum permitted gap between tire and adjacent parts, the minimum gap between abreast tires and the space between wheel and adjacent parts are briefly described.
  19. The model of simultaneous design of tolerance is established according to the requirement of simultaneous design and characters of process tolerance design. In chapter 3, the used methods of process dimension are analyzed;
  20. It must start from the confirmation of closed loop and retrieval of component loop, draw the line graph of dimension chain correctly and work out relevant procedure dimension and tolerance by using basic formula of dimension chain according to the types of dimension chain of craftwork.
  21. From the point of view of the dimension chain, tolerance analysis is a calculation from dimensions and tolerances of composing loops to dimension and tolerance of close loop.
  22. This article introduces a tool for marking the tolerance of the part, with this tool user can complete expediently two works once by good interface, which to look up dimension tolerance and mark the tolerance, and raised the work efficiency consumedly.
  23. To analyze the effect of tolerance of composing loop on the tolerance of close loop, the theory of robust design is introduced in the tolerance analysis and the concepts of sensitivity of eligible probability of dimension and sensitivity of eligible probability of product are put forward.
  24. Disposing the optimum location of a relative tolerance zone of the closed dimension can simplify the adjustment process of an assembly production.
  25. Through analysis and calculation of dimension chains, tolerance range of adjusting dimension is determined so that an economic and rational assembly scheme of measuring independently and assembling once is provided.
  26. Finally the paper describes the method of distributing the tolerance of process dimension on different initial conditions through examples.
  27. Through using of degree of freedom and tolerance zone of a feature, Assembly model is established to present fit feature, component feature, assembly geometric relation, assembly dimension, assembly tolerance, and assembly datum, etc.
  28. The paper introduces the tolerance scale of linear dimension by non-equal tolerance and equal tolerance through examples, which is simple and convenient, and widely used in engineering technique.
  29. Therefore, it is of great economic and theoretic importance for the improvement of salt tolerance of wheat to exploit the soil resources of the saline regions and to raise the sowing dimension and yield of the food crops.
  30. As an application of statistical tolerancing, the axial and radial tolerance of twin screw pulping extruder is analyzed, and. equations of linear and non-linear dimension chain are established, tolerance analysis and design are done by Monte Carlo method.